Saturday 15 October 2016

Updating The Sims 4 (2016)

I have not played The Sims 4 for quite a while, since last September. Today I decided to update Origin and see what they have done with the game. You know any improvements they made along the way.  I just lost interest in the game, because EA were not listening to simmers requests. They just ignored us. But hopefully I can get back to playing the game. Origin wants me to update a great deal of the game. First I need to remove the Mods folder. Because it always causes problems, if you leave it inside when the game updates.

The update is huge! See what happens when you do not keep up with a game that constantly updates? This is a one off. I just want to see what EA did with the game. I didn't even know people were still reading my blog to be quite frank. This blog is all about The Sims 4 and if EA are not taking good cf it I will tell it like it is. Anyone feeling heartbroken when reading some home truths needs to wake up to reality. And if you are one of those people that cannot take the truth, you just need to fuck off, simple as. I am not fucking around with people. I don't ask people to read this blog, you control your own mind. But if you are all for home truths, welcome home! All i do now is leave Orgin running in the background and wait until it finishes updating. I know I added how to uninstall the game tutorial last time, but I never actually removed the game. I forgot all about it. I was in such a rage, that I forgot the game existed. I just forgot it was even on my computer. And now that I have calmed down because it has been many months since then I do not mind. But mark my words I will not be buying any new EA Sims 4 games. I refuse to support a company that basically shit on the people that are making them rich. Toddlers? Nope! They could have tweaked the game base, but didn't bother. It was apparently too much hard work for them. 

People wanted more things for their children and EA complied. But it was in another one of those small packs. Everyone hates the "Stuff packs"because so little is added to the game. What happened to the time where EA always used to work hard on large expansion pack games.

Many are sick and annoyed with the franchise and have been since 2015 so they would rather pirate the game instead of buying it. And many are continuing to pirate the game to this day. They can mess with the game files in Origin and add all the expansions. 

I refuse to link any of the links. Me? No as much as I am not happy with what EA are doing, I refuse to pirate any of the games. I also don't want to fuck up my system.

The game finished...the first part then went on the installing. The install bar no longer tells you how long it is going to take to update. So you have no idea what is going on. It finally finished. But by then I was busy. All I had to do then was put my mods back in the folder. I don't really expect anything from the game, so I will just wait and see what has happened with it.

There is a new feature that automatically disables Mods. How was I supposed to know. I want the mods added! Now I have to turn off the game and reload it all over again. I removed my Mods while the game updated. At least EA figured that they was conflicting with the updates. But some of us are not stupid! We know to remove the Mods when updating the game.

There is a Day Of The Dead Challenge, but I am really not that interested. 

The world looks different again. But all my characters are still there. They do not age. Reason for this is because EA have not made any great games. So I keep the age bar off. My Sims are very experienced because they have been around for a long time. 

According to the information, Tyler is not at home, he is at the swimming baths. This really fucks with the system. Because sometimes your Sims do not return home. I will have to load them up and see. 

I really like what EA have done with the layout. First I need a mouse I can't play without one.

Now we have a repairman, gardener and babysitter. They eventually caught up to the Sims 2. These should have been in the base game. 

The mobile phones have been updated. 

Some random woman by the name of Jasmine Holiday is going around and does events. She needs to piss off.

I hired a Nanny. And she turned out to be black. In the trailer there was a white old woman, so that really isn't the case. You Nanny can be anyone. 

Tyler is inside him moms bedroom doing his homework. He is on free will so he is doing what he wants to do.

The Nanny just sits, watches TV, cooks and looks around the house. She doesn't do much. But is good if your sim has loads of children and is always at work. She probably could even become a part of the family.

The friendship bars have been updated. 

You can now join groups. I think that was for another expansion, but everyone gets the updates, because we all use the same game base. You just don't get the new items and venues.

Tyler acting like he's got swag...the conversation meters have also been updated. Which is good I suppose. I don't really know for sure. 

What People Think Of The Sims 4 (2016)

Let's see what people are saying about The Sims 4 assignments. You know that Day Of The Dead thing. Amber DeWitt-Acree tells us that she does not have high expectations for the new expansion pack and she is disappointed with the Sims 4 and has been since the start. She is not happy that they took out so many game features from The Sims 3. And is not happy with the new expansions. Kitty Eley feels the same way but tells us that the Sims 3 was unstable. Kitty is not happy with the new expansion packs. She goes on to say that people want old ones. Svein Erik Heigesen Asheim tells us the new expansions lack and he thinks "Meh" and will skip on buying the next one. Other people wonder if content from Get To Work DLC will be playable in the City.

I think Kitty is right, EA should have continued with the original/usual expansions like Pets, Seasons & so on then moved onto the new generation type games. EA are only making themselves look stupid. Because that is not what people want. EA have this attitude where it is all, let's make new Sims gaming packs and forget about the iconic ones, that people really want.  Pets/ Weather! They are what are seriously needed. Note to everyone out there, there are mods that can give you what you want, if EA refuse to listen to you. You just have to look for them. Check out mod based sites and you might get what you are looking for. 

Trayvon Grant tells people not to comment on the Sims 4 blog if they don't like the products and tells everyone that their opinions are irrelevant. Svien tells him that when you pay for something you should be allowed to share your opinion. Which I agree with. But EA do not care. People told them what they wanted two years ago and they never took any notice. So while Trayvon is sticking up EA's butt, he is not realising that they really don't give two fucks, if he is defending them. They still won't give you what you want, so back off.

Currently EA are still working on releasing The Sims 4 City Living. It looks okay, but it's just not me. I would rather The Sims Holiday

All in all I think I will pass on the new expansion pack. Unless they reduce it at a low, low price. I'm not against EA I am all for them. But you have to say it like it is, and they are not doing a good job. And if you are one of those many who think they are you are fooling yourself. I might start playing The Sims 4 again. It's looks more smoother, more appealing with the little updates they have done here and there. We'll see what happens. I stopped playing because EA as a company just stopped caring about their game. It's just is not the same, and as said above they feel the need to go in a new direction and it just is not working. I was going to post how to uninstall the Sims 4 below. Because that is what I was going to do. I still have not made up my mind yet. But there will be a time when I think, that does it, the game has got to go. I know instead I will sing a little tune specially for EA.

The Sims 4 Gotta Go


The Sims 4 Gotta Go

Oh, No

The Sims 4 Gotta Go

1, 2, 3 Fuck It

I Played The Sims 4 
And Now I Gotta Flush It!