Friday 14 August 2015

So finally Orgin is fixed...

Well apparently my EA/Maxis Sims 4 Orgin application went CRAZY AS HELL.  It would always update with 78 MB which annoyed me, and The Sims 4's recent update FUCKED UP MY WHOLE GAME, by removing all my content BUT did not affect my Sims, only made them bald, so the game has reverted itself back to removing half of my Sims business were removed.4


Well to get your game back to normal repair it. then remove your Sims 4 from the Orgin folder, and unistal Orgin and reinstall it from the beginning, like all from the start.  Then replace your Sims 4  game folder back in Orgin.  It really annoyed me to do all of this, but i finally got the game up and running again.

If you have problems with the Sims 4 it's best to sort them out as soon as possible and you will need a INTERNET connection, or you'll just be stuck, because now you can no longer just re-install the game with the DISK, like you did with the Sims 2 an 3.