Friday 19 May 2017

The Sims 4 Parenthood

The Sims 4 Parenthood is coming soon to all those who wanted more for their Sim children EA is finally doing what you wanted. Minus weather and pets - maybe in several years time or not. I have stopped playing the Sims not because it's boring or anything, it has something more to do with computer problems - overheating and unable to run games. So until I get a brand new computer which will be maybe in 2020 or when if my computer explodes. I can still play the game but it's rare. I'm not saying EA hasn't spiced the game up because they have. And like I said before I don't lie on this blog I just say it like it is and if you can't handle the truth you know where the door is.

Elisheva Rosenberg says she likes the game very much. Faith Isaacks is happy to see family gameplay and states she has had enough of the single sim party young adult gameplay. Rute Matos asks if the game will be on a disk - disks are no longer used. Veronique Bellamy states that the game runs on Origin - always has, always will. We all know how annoying Origin is. There is no choice EA chose to use that to emulate their games so it's either play or don't play.

Danielle Latrice Baumgartner is excited. Rachel Moon loves the character value traits. Sharma Watkins also loves the game. Louisa Omeke noticed the teenager acne and Harriet Tait asks EA (who don't answer, they just blog) if the game is going to be like The Sims 4: Get Together or more like a stuff pack - we all HATE the stuff packs anyone who doesn't is an idiot. - Reason? Well anyone with a brain knows that they do not contain that much and add very little to basic gameplay.