Monday 2 February 2015

Finally a FIX for The Sims 4 Debug Text (2015)

Finally fixed the Debug Text... for Outdoor Retreat!
After panicking like a complete "moron" I finally figured out how to fix those annoying text glitches, apparently this time nobody will share a fixed and or updated "Strings" file so I had to take things into my own hands by reading very carefully on those forums and "Boom" somebody had the information needed and I think everyone should know the fix... because it's becoming a nuisance... I mean I can't keep running to EA customer support every second.   EA and Maxis have got "Mah" Money so I expect the game to work perfectly.

I know you'd say update the game...well I can't because Origin did it itself before I even had The Sims Outdoor Retreat and without my permission. I know never to mess with the settings in Origin ever again because last time i did the whole "EXE" or "Emulator" as some would call it broke and all I did was click a little privacy then my game would no longer work "OFFLINE" and then i had to go through the whole process of re-installing the game. I have been with The Sims 4 since it came out last year, and yes I remember when the Mobile phones were different... before they were updated and it's a good thing too... because the old Mobiles were... how to put it err...shit and laggy too, sometimes you'd end up clicking them by mistake, This will most likely work with all future updates... but we can't be too sure yet... but in my heart I know I'm right,

Text Glitch Tutorial:

  • 1. Close Origin and press "Exit".

  • 2. Go to Origin's game directory default is C:\Program Files (x86)\ Origin Games

  • 3. Click on "The Sims 4" folder and rename it to "The Sims 4 Back Up"

  • 4. Open Origin again

  • 5. Orgin will now think that the Sims 4 is not installed, so re-download the game and accept everything!

  • 6. The game should not say Downloading at 0% so close Origin and make sure you "exit" it.

  • 7.  Go back into your Orgin Games folder and delete "The Sims 4" folder.

  • 8.  Click on the Back Up Folder you made earlier of your ORIGINAL game and rename it "The Sims 4".

  • 9. Move your "Mods" to another folder.

  • 10. Open Origin again...

  • Origin will now recognize the files and "FORCE" a update!

Your game should now work... and you should be able to read the text to perfection also you can move your mods back into your game!

My video capture seem to be blurry since the new update... alright no more videos!

I mean c'mon the things we have to do to play The Sims these days.

Outdoor Retreat Only Sold Online - Rant:

Also to add before I forget... you can't buy The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat in stores I bet it would have been reduced too, I hope they don't do this with the full expansions.  I hate buying online due to the "VAT" charge... looked at my balance on my account and wow... they sure took a lot. 

And yes the Sims still load outside their homes and this is probably done because of major problems in The Sims 4 and that why EA/Maxis refuses to update or change it.

I'll be sure to keep updated on The Sims 4... problems updates, bugs, glitches and anything that ruins the game for "me" and most likely everyone else.